Press Releases
West Balochistan:
West Balochistan:
Balochistan People's Party (BPP) Denounces a "Frightening
Campaign of Terrorizing by the New Iranian Government"

In a resolution in a congress in Stockholm, BBP leaders criticize the "dramatic increase in the repression of all Iranian citizens, and in
particular that of ethnic origin".Balochistan People's Party resolution in Stockholm congress Iran is a multinational state where the nations of
Arabs, Balochs, Fars, Kurds, Turks, and Turkmen are living. 
Unfortunately there is only one nation within this geographical entity called Iran
namely Fars or Persian dominates all aspects of its collective life. We know in any multinational state when the political, economical,
cultural, and militarily components are systematically controlled by just one nation, consequently the others within that entity are inferior.
Sadly, this is the case for Arabs, Balochs, Kurds, Turks, and Turkmen in Iran. The previous monarchist regime and the current theological
government follow their system of chauvinistic policies by discriminating their own citizens for the reason that they have distinct language,
culture, religion and background.

The changing political situation in the region as we have witnessed with the end of the regimes of Taliban in Afghanistan and Saddam
Hussein in Iraq favored the Iranian oppressed nations struggling for a decent living and self-determination to their ancestral land. Thus the
Iranian government has already understood the emerging situation and begun with a frightening campaign of terrorizing, confiscating lands
and even killing of innocent minorities to control the situation.
The recent election of the conservative President Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is
in the line of the chauvinistic policies of this regime which has been accompanied by a dramatic increase in the repression of all Iranian
citizens, and in particular that of ethnic origin. 
Below are some recent highlights of Iranian government’s policies towards these Iranian
oppressed nations:

- April 2005; the mass uprising of Ahwazi Arab in Khuzestan province against the regime’s policies of demographic change of Arab land to
non-Arab resulted in killing of many young and politically active Arabs. As we have witnessed through international media how brutally the
unrest has been suppressed by the Islamic regime.

- June 2005; after killing of a Kurdish youth activist Shovan Ghaderi and ongoing repression of ethnic Kurds by the government’s policies, the
Kurds staged several peaceful protest demonstrations and demanded to bring the killers to justice and asked for their legitimate rights.
However no demands have been met but instead the regime suppressed the Kurdish voice by harsh force and killed more innocent Kurds.
- July 2005; Islamic regime has destroyed thousand of Baloch people’s homes in an area covering many kilometers in Chahbhar a port city
in Balochistan, to make place for a new base and residence area for Iranian security forces without compensating / providing alternative
accommodation to poor families with children for the destruction of their livelihoods.
- July 2005; Iranian Para-military agents attacked the township of Nosraat Abaad to arrest a man identified as Dorra Shabaksh near Dozaap
(Zahidan) provincial capital of Balochistan. When the Para-military force failed to arrest the man they begin shooting around to take revenge,
it resulted in killing of harmless Baloch women and children.

- August 2005; a village Yakoob Bazaar near Bahoo Klaat area of Balochistan was bombarded with helicopter gunship. The regime accused
the villagers of helping the Baloch fighters to take two Iranian security forces as hostages. 

- September 2005; a Baloch man identified as
Houshang Baameri was hanged at a Saturday morning in the city of Pahrah (Iranshahr) in Balochistan. He was accused of killing two Para-
military security agents.
- September 2005; Esmaeel Mohammadi a member of Kurdistan Komalah Party was executed. The execution of Esmaeel Mohammadi
carried on in the backdrop of international efforts of several human right organizations, a number of foreign ministries of several European
countries as well as international political figures to stop his execution. This shows clearly the new terrorizing and intimidating policy of the
new government of Ahmadinejad against under oppression nations in Iran.

- September 2005; the new government of Mr. Ahmadinejad has appointed a chauvinist Shi’a extremist Mr. Habibulah Dahmarde who is
widely known for his anti Baloch and anti Sunni views to the post of the Balochiatan Provincial Governor. The Balochs protested this
nomination and it ultimately resulted in resignation of tow Baloch MP (Mr. Paymaan Frozesh and Gol Mohammed Baamari) from the Iranian
national parliament. 
It should be also mentioned that Iran's official religion is Shi'a Islam of the Twelver (Jaafari) sect, even though the Sunni
comprise more then 30 percent of the Iranian population, but according to Iranian constitution they are not allowed to be elected as
President, Minister or other high ranking officials.
Balochistan People’s Party
September 2005
    Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Declaration of Human Rights