Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Press Releases
URGENT ACTION  by Amnesty International

BY UA Team

Hotline: (+44) 20 7413 5542

PUBLIC          AI Index: ASA 33/022/2005
17 August 2005

Further Information on UA 111/05 (ASA 33/006/2005, 05 May 2005) and
follow-up (ASA 33/014/2005, 8 June 2005) - Fear for Safety/
New concerns: Torture/ Medical concern

PAKISTAN        Ali Nawaz (m)   ]
Akhter Nadeem (m)       ] Members of the Baloch Students Organization
New name:       Dr. Allah Nazar (m)     ]

Ali Nawaz, Akhter Nadeem and Dr. Allah Nazar are reportedly being held in a police station in the village of
Chandar Maa which is about 25km from the city of Sadiq Abad, Punjab province. They have reportedly been
tortured and require medical treatment.

The three, who are all are members of the Baloch Students Organisation, had disappeared' since their arrest
in Karachi on 25 March, along with four others who were later released. On 13 August they were produced
before a court in the city of Sadiq Abad in relation to an alleged case of robbery. They were then returned to the
police station in the village of Chandar Maa, where they were able to meet with their families for ten minutes.

The families have reported that all three men were tortured using electric shocks. There is particular concern
for Dr. Allah Nazar who is partially paralysed and reportedly unable to speak or recognise anyone as result of
being tortured. His family have expressed concern that his injuries may result in complete paralysis unless he
receives immediate medical treatment in hospital. However, the authorities have reportedly denied the men
access to medical treatment. The men reportedly appeared again in front of the same court on 17 August in
relation to the alleged case of robbery and may possibly be handed over to authorities in Balochistan in
connection with another case. Should this happen, there is a risk that they may 'disappear' or be subjected to
further ill-treatment and torture.

The Baloch Students Organization is a group that is active in highlighting the plight of the Baloch people. They
have campaigned on issues including recent allegations of the unlawful killing of villagers by the military in
Balochistan. They have also campaigned on the longer standing issue of access to resources such as gas.
Balochistan hosts the country's primary gas installation yet the residents of this province have little access to
this resource.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in English or your own
- expressing concern for the safety of Ali Nawaz, Akhter Nadeem and Dr. Allah Nazar, who are being held in
Chandar Maa police station;
- expressing concern at reports that they have been tortured and ill-treated while in custody;
- expressing concern that all three are reportedly in poor health, in particular Dr. Allah Nazar who is partially
paralysed and reportedly unable to speak or recognise anyone as result of being tortured;
- calling on the authorities to grant the men immediate access to any medical treatment they may require;
- seeking assurances that they will not be subjected to further torture or ill-treatment;
- calling for an impartial investigation into the alleged torture and ill-treatment of all three men, and into the
failure of the Pakistan authorities to disclose where these men were detained following their arrest
on 25 March 2005, with the results of the investigation to be made public and those found to be responsible to
be brought to justice.

APPEALS TO: (Please note that email addresses in Pakistan can be unreliable. If you receive notification that
your message has not been delivered, please re-send your email. If it fails again, please use fax numbers or
postal addresses to send your appeal.)

President, Pervez Musharraf
Pakistan Secretariat
Islamabad, Pakistan
Fax:            + 92 51 922 1422
Salutation:             Dear President

Mr. Muhammad Wasi Zafar
Minister of Law, Justice and Human Rights
S Block, Pak. Sect. Islamabad, Pakistan
Fax:            + 92 51 920 2628
Salutation:     Dear Minister

Chief Minister of Punjab
Chaudary Pervez Elahi
7 Club Road, G.O.R.I, Lahore, Pakistan
Salutation:     Dear Chief Minister

Governor of Balochistan
Awais Ghani
Governor House
Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan
Fax:            + 92 81 920 2178 / 2992
Salutation:     Dear Governor

and to diplomatic representatives of Pakistan accredited to your country.

PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if
sending appeals after 28 September 2005.