Press Releases
Bugti's killing start of
end of Musharraf rule:
Khan of Kalat

Islamabad, Sept 1: Denouncing the killing of tribal chief
Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti in a military operation, prominent
Baloch leaders and Pakistani human rights activists said it
spelt doom for the country's unity and could be the
beginning of the end of President Pervez Musharraf's rule.

The countrywide protests after the Baloch nationalist
leader's killing had
 "sent a clear message to Musharraf
that his era is over", said Khan of Kalat Mir Suleman
, a descendant of Balochistan rulers who refused
to join Pakistan during the time of partition in 1947.

" Balochistan was forcefully annxed into Pakistan by Pakistani
army. All sardars of Balochistan are discussing future plans.
The government has invited the Baloch Nation to
fight and we will not back down,"
he was quoted as saying by Dawn in Balochistan capital Quetta yesterday.

Veteran Baloch leader Sardar Khair Baksh Marri questioned Pakistan government's claim that Bugti's killing was
not targeted.

In an interview he said he feared for the life of his own son, Balach Marri, because the government
had the "mistaken notion" that he was an "icon of resistance".

Balach Marri, regarded as the leader of the banned
Baloch Liberation Army, was presumed to be inside the cave, along with two grandsons of Bugti, when the 80-
year-old Baloch leader was killed during a military action on August 26. It was later revealed that they were not

On the attacks against non-Baloch settlers in Balochistan, specially those from Punjab, Marri said he was not
against Punjabis as such, but the fact that Punjab did not endorse the rights and autonomy of smaller provinces.

Marri accused them of colluding with the "establishment" in usurping the rights of other provinces. Pakistan's
veteran politician Yusuf A. Haroon, while condoling with the family of Bugti, said in a statement that his killing
went against the spirit of Pakistan founder-leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah's ideas.

"This deviation from our leader's
advice does not bode well for the security of our country and causes deep misgivings in my mind," he was quoted
as saying by Dawn.

In Islamabad, civil society representatives termed it an
"extra-judicial killing" and demanded immediate
stoppage of the on-going military operations in Balochistan which they termed as
"state terrorism".

The conflicts
in Balochistan and elsewhere should be dealt with politically; military solution to these will further weaken the
democratic set up and can lead to the disintegration of the remaining Pakistan, said Robina Saigol of Action Aid.

Saba Khalid from another voluntary organisation SDPI said the operation in Balochistan will leave a bad impact
on the country's politics as well as its economy.

The military should stop playing a role in Pakistan's politics and
should go back to the barracks, said Farzana Bari from Pattan. She also demanded the release of all political
activists of Balochistan.
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Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize
all Baloch in North America, to expose the Occupation of our land (Balochistan)  and  exploitations of
our resources by  Pakistani and Iranian Governments, and to bring their Human Rights Violations in