Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Press Releases
The Dynamics of Baloch Resistance in Pakistan

By: Dr. Naseer Dashti

The time comes in the life of any nation when there remain only two  choices - submit or fight. For a majority of
conscious Baloch that  time has now come to Baloch people. A growing fear of cultural,  economic and political
domination has prompted an extensive  discussion among Baloch nationalists in Pakistan for formulating a  
viable and feasible strategy for countering the ever-dominating  maneuvers of the state. The discussion
regarding participation in  the legal and constitutional bodies of the state is a hot topic of  discussion especially
among youth and students. Baloch political  elite are also conscious of far-reaching repercussions of recent  
political and strategic changes in the world polity in general and  the region in particular. The nationalist
leadership and groups in  Balochistan are increasingly under pressure from different quarters  to forge a
united front of patriotic forces on a common minimum  program of national salvation. The recent proposal by
one of  prominent Baloch nationalist leader Nawab Akber Bugti regarding the  formation of a single Baloch
political party is heatedly being  debated throughout Balochistan and abroad. Whether a single party or  a
united front, it is a widely shared view among Baloch that there  is a need to develop a common, united
platform of all sections of  the nationalist movement. This article is a brief discussion on the  dynamics of the
present phase of Baloch national struggle in  Pakistan.  

The Baloch National Question in Pakistan.

The National Question concerns the oppression of one or a number of  other people/s by a dominant colonial
power. Consequently, the right  to self-determination or to national independence exclusively can be  claimed
by the oppressed. Balochistan was conquered by force and is  today ruled by force. At moments when the
occupier feels itself  threatened, it does not hesitate to use the gun. When the gun is not  in use other devices
are brought into play in an attempt to crush  the Baloch people's genuine political and economical aspirations
and  to mutilate the cultural and traditional values of Baloch people.  These include legal and administrative
terror, fear, social and  economic pressures. Deliberate confusions are being generated by the  propaganda of
state machinery and the education system highlighting  the grandeur of a non existing Islamic Umma and the
"holy" Pakistani  culture. Whether in reserve or in actual employment, brutal force is  ever present and this has
been so since the incorporation of  Balochistan in to Pakistan in 1948.

•       Massive military crack downs of atrocious proportion waged  against Baloch people in 1948, 1958, 1973
and the present military  operation in Marri, Bugti, Jhalawan and Southern Balochistan is the  latest in this

•       Attempts to the eradication of Baloch culture by denying  education in mother tongue and superimposition
of north Indian  language and culture on Baloch people and non-acknowledgement of a  Baloch existence as a
separate national entity within Pakistan. The  Pakistani national state has been adopting an approach of
induced  assimilation to the dominant nationality. National integration that  is the creation to a novel Islamic
nation from several ethnic  nationalities as part of their nation-building efforts.

•       Gaining hold of the Baloch land by encouraging settlers from  majority nationality to move to northern
Balochistan, for example,  in Quetta and Sibi in the past and the recent allotment and  occupation of the
thousands of acres of lands in the coastal belt  and the planned settlement of 2.5 million people in Gwadar.  
•       Subjugation tactics by the use of armed violence, state  terror against Baloch, such as with the use of
torture, selective  killing of Baloch elite by fomenting intertribal and intra-tribal  conflicts by various state

•       A `state of siege' has been imposed on Balochistan through  police, paramilitary and coast guard
repressions.  •       Electing or selecting government functionaries have imposed  an indirect or internal colonial
rule by manipulating and under hand  tactics of government agencies.  •       Keeping Balochistan intentionally
backward while ruthlessly  exploiting its natural resources for the benefit of majority  nationality.

•       Encouraging fundamentalist religious elements allied with  state establishment and funded and
patronized by it to take over, in  the long run the very fabric of a secular Baloch society.
In all the institutions of Pakistan, the Baloch are practically and  statutorily excluded from the political,
economical and cultural  processes of the state. Political power, except for some marginally  delegated powers
to provinces, is explicitly the monopoly of the  central government dominated by Punjabis.  The Baloch people
are  being ruled as a conquered and colonized people. All of this is  being rationalized on the basis of ideology
of Pakistan, the core of  this ideology is the conquest and domination of the minority  nationalities of Pakistan,
Baloch among those is   the most  exploited and oppressed.  Balochistan has been ruled in a manner of
indirect colonial rule.   Conquest and domination by an alien people, a system of  discrimination and
exploitation based on ethnicity, technique of  indirect rule; are the traditional trappings of the classical  colonial
framework. From the very beginning Non-entities were duly  crowned as "chiefs", of the different Baloch tribes
by the state  establishment in order to corner the genuine Baloch leadership.  Parties were created in
Balochistan to fragmentize Baloch society  among middle, lower and upper classes. In the name of elections,  
agents of state security agencies were "elected or projected" as the  representatives of Baloch masses. These
"representative and leaders  of Baloch masses" were and are being encouraged to enrich themselves  by all
means provided they are prepared to do the bidding of the  state establishment. The so-called incorporation in
the provincial  power structure of some "Baloch" leaders is a thorough corruption of  colonial traditions and
merely an extension of majority domination  by proxy. The system of proxy or indirect rule has been favored by  
many colonial powers throughout history. In the Pakistani context  its purpose is creating a class of relatively
privileged Balochs who  would thus acquire a direct material interest in the preservation of  the institutions of
national domination at the expense of their own  people. The fact that some of these collaborator tribal chiefs
and  leaders of so-called Baloch middle class could trace descent from  those heads of tribes and other
notables who sided with the  Pakistani establishment from the very beginning is quite  interesting. The state is
also fostering and propagating non  existing intertribal and intra-tribal rivalries among those Baloch  tribes
whose chiefs are leading the Baloch national struggle. This  is to combat, not only the nationalist tribal chiefs
with the help  of their own people, but more importantly to crush, an inclusive,  Baloch Nationalism.

The national question of Baloch is an old sociological reality  historically constituted. Baloch never accepted the
partition of  their homeland Balochistan, in the aftermath of the unjust decisions  of the boundary commissions
reached between British Empire, Persia  and Afghanistan during 19th century and annexation of Kalat State by  
Pakistan in 1948. The Baloch demand for self-rule constitutes a  democratic pursuit that is incompatible with
the despotism and  religious-based nationalism of Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan. The  Baloch resistance
movements in Iran and Pakistan had all the same  background - the will of national liberation.  In the
contemporary  world many politically unstable African and Asian countries include  disparate ethnic
nationalities, frequently embattled because of  national boundaries that were artificially drawn by European  
colonialists. In spite of the diversity of struggle in the 20th  century, the Baloch struggle was for a purely
nationalist agenda  aiming to replace foreign rule by a native rule.

The Baloch Options

Baloch masses firmly believe that Baloch identity is more at peril  than ever before. Baloch have suffered more
than just national  humiliation. Baloch people are deprived of their due in the  country's wealth; their skills have
been suppressed and poverty and  starvation has been their life experience. The so-called democratic  
institutions such as district governments, provincial assemblies and  federal bodies are a gross insult to
Baloch national inspiration and  mockery of federalism in Pakistan. These have proved in practice to  be blind
alleys serving mainly as a delaying tactic to ensure the  prolongation of the period of Punjabi domination over
Baloch and  other nationalities. There is disillusionment among the majority of  Baloch with the prospect of
achieving national salvation by  traditional peaceful processes. All lawful modes of expressing  opposition to
the domination and cultural and economical  exploitation had been closed by the state, and Baloch are placed
in  a position in which they had either to accept a permanent state of  inferiority, or to defy the state. Many
politically active groups  are in firm belief that under the highly sophisticated police state  of Pakistan it is
questionable whether a movement can succeed in a  program of mass political organization beyond a certain
point  without starting a new type of action.  And the only option left for  them is to answer the state violence with
armed resistance of the  oppressed masses. But are the conditions favorable for an all out  struggle including
armed resistance by Baloch masses?

In the typical colonial-type situation armed resistance becomes  feasible only if:

•       There is readiness to respond to the strategy of armed  struggle with all the enormous sacrifices which
this involves;

•       There is in existence a political leadership capable of  gaining the organized allegiance of the people for
armed struggle  and which has both the experience and the ability to carry out the  painstaking process of
planning, preparation and overall conduct of  the operations.

•       There exist favorable objective conditions in the  international and regional polity.

From the time alien rule was imposed on Baloch people there has  been - historically speaking - unbroken
resistance to the  domination. It has taken different forms at different times but it  has never been abandoned.
There were regular armed clashes, and  battles. The superior material resources of the enemy, the divided  
and often fragmented nature of the resistance, the unchallenged  ascendancy of imperialism as a world
system, the historically  understandable absence of political cohesion and leadership in the  Baloch camp;
these and other factors combined to end the past phases  of Baloch resistance against foreign  domination in
defeat and  confusion.  Regarding the support of the world community to their cause they  believe that on
international level a polarization of forces has  occurred. There are forces of fundamentalism, and terrorism
creating  chaos and instability. There are forces which would like the world  to be a safe place for all humanity
acknowledging the birth right of  different nations, nationalities and ethnic groups to be governed by  the
representatives of their own selection, in their own cultural  and traditional ways. On the face of it major western
powers such as  Britain, Germany, France and the United States and Japan who have an  enormous stake in
the ongoing war against terrorism constitute a  formidable support for the rogue state. Already they have done
much  to develop the economy and armament program of the state. But there  is the wide spread belief among
the political observers on  international affairs that the support of western alliance to states  like Pakistan with a
fundamentalist establishment and nuclear  potentials is a temporary one and a major strike by western
powers  is on card against such rogue states.  In one sense conditions are connected and interdependent.
They are  not created by subjective and ideological activity only. These  conditions are brought about not only by
developing political,  economic and social conditions but also by the long hard grind of  resistance movement.
They depend on such factors as the response of  the enemy, the strength and weaknesses of the enemy and
the  experience gained by the people themselves not in academic seminars  but in actual political struggle.
The new and apparently the final  phase of struggle of Baloch people is taking place in the   context  of a new
world political milieu, in which the fundamentalist and  religious and rogue states are increasingly under
pressure from  world community to reform their social, economic and political  systems. Baloch are part of the
zone in which international pressure  is highest on the countries where Baloch are being subjugated as a  
Majority of the Baloch intellectuals and writers and conscious  leadership believe this a deceitful excuse that
the Baloch landmass  is not capable of sustaining a protracted resistance. It is also not  convincing for them
that actual phase for the struggle for national  rights is put off because they have not achieved an adequate
level  of preparation and organization. They also dispute the argument that  the international situation is not
favorable for a Baloch uprising.  Many elements in nationalist circles believe that in the present  world scenario
what the Baloch as a nation must now do is to develop  a program to be put into effect in the event of certain
expectable  and inevitable geo-political upheavals in the region. They believe  in carrying out the struggle on the
basis of an authentic Baloch  identity and on the basis of right of self-determination.

The enemy is not invincible

The decades of indoctrination of state armed forces and the masses  and deeply felt theoretical rationalization
which centre on survival  of the state on brute force will make enemy, the Baloch face, a  ferocious and
formidable foe. There is the reinforced feeling of  confidence among Pakistani ruling elite that their fortress is  
impregnable and unassailable considering the state's immense  military power and nuclear capability. For the
moment apparently,  the Baloch face what is by and large a united and confident enemy  and all significant
sections of the dominant nationality are in  broad agreement on the question of defeating Baloch struggle for  
national emancipation. Although it looks that the state is in stable  command and can afford an enormous
military budget. But if there is  one lesson that the history of national liberation struggles has  taught, it is that
the material strength and resources of the enemy  is by no means a decisive factor. Armed resistance by a
suppressed  people almost by definition presents a situation in which there is a  vast imbalance of material
and military resources between the  opposing sides. It is designed to cope with the situation in which  the
enemy is infinitely superior in relation to every conventional  factor of warfare. Protracted guerilla warfare is par
excellence the  weapon of the materially weak against the materially strong. Given  its popular character and
given a population which increasingly  sides with and shields the armed insurgents whilst at the same time  
opposing and exposing the enemy, the survival and growth of an armed  resistance is assured by the skilful
exercise of tactics. Superior  forces can thus be harassed, weakened and, in the end, destroyed.  The absence
of an orthodox front, of fighting lines; the need to  protect the widely scattered installations on which the state   
economy is dependent; these are among the factors which serve in the  long run to compensate in favor of the
armed resistance for the  disparity in the starting strength of the adversaries.

The mobilization of a large force in the course of a protracted  struggle will place a further burden on the
workings of the economy  of the state. The most favorable factor concerning the confrontation  of Baloch and
state is that the enemy resources are all situated  within the reach of Baloch resistance forces and theatre of
war can  easily be extended to the heartland of Punjab and there will remain  no secure asset safe from
sabotage, and armed action.  
Physical environment which conforms to a special pattern is  indispensable regarding arm resistance- thick
jungle, inaccessible  mountain areas, swamps, and a friendly border and so on. But  guerrilla warfare can be,
and has been, waged in every conceived  type of terrain, in deserts, in farm fields, in built-up areas, in  plains,
in the bush and in countries without friendly borders or  islands surrounded by the sea. This whole question is
one of  adjusting survival tactics to the sort of terrain in which  operations have to be carried out. There might
not appear to be a  single impregnable mountain or impenetrable jungle but Baloch land  abounds in terrain
which in general is certainly no less favorable  for guerrilla operations than some of the terrains in which other  
armed resistance movements operated successfully in Asia and Africa.  Balochistan tremendous size will
make it extremely difficult, if not  impossible, for the occupational forces to keep the whole of it  under armed
surveillance in strength and in depth. It is necessary  to stress these factors not only because they give balance
to the  efforts of Baloch nationalist forces but because - properly  assessed - they help destroy the myth of the
enemy's invincibility.

Political Control over Armed Resistance  To ignore the real situation and to play about with imaginary  forces,
concepts and ideals is to invite failure.

The revolutionary-sounding phrase does not always reflect revolutionary policy, and  revolutionary-sounding
policy is not always the spring-board for  revolutionary advance. Indeed what appears to be "militant"  and
"revolutionary" can often be counter-revolutionary. Untimely,  ill planned or premature manifestations of violence
impede and do  not advance the prospect for the achievement of ultimate aim and are  clearly counter-
productive. It is obvious therefore that policy and  organizational structures must grow out of the real situation if  
they are not to become meaningless clichés. The new phase of Baloch  national struggle is occurring in a new
situation. It is taking  place in a different era and in a different context from those which  characterized the early
struggles. It is happening in a new kind of  world - a world which is no longer bipolar.  The armed struggle is
the political struggle by means which include  the use of military force even though once force as a tactic is  
introduced it has the most far-reaching consequences on every aspect  of a society or a movement. The riot,
the street fight, the outburst  of unorganized violence, individual terrorism; these are symptoms of  the militant
spirit but are not being appreciated in today's  international political milieu. The winning of freedom for a nation  
by armed struggle demands more than passion. It demands an  understanding and an implementation of
theory and techniques in the  actual conditions facing the nation. It demands a sober assessment  of the
obstacles and an appreciation that such a struggle is bitter  and protracted. It demands, too, the dominance in
the general  thinking among resistance cadres of achievement over drama.  

Many experts on liberation struggle reject the approach which sees  only the short-cut of isolated confrontations
and the creation of  armed resistance centers as the catalyst for revolutionary  transformation of the oppressed
masses. Also, it is not easy to  determine the point at which sufficient concrete political and  organizational
preparations have been carried out to give the armed  resistance pockets the maximum chances of survival
and growth within  any given area. There is no instrument for measuring this. But the  importance of the
subjective factors must not be overdone and before  embarking upon a path which is in one sense tragic,
although  historically inevitable and necessary, certain of the basic minimum  conditions already mentioned
must be present and certain minimum  preparations must have been made. It is important to emphasize this  
because national liberation movement must reject all manifestations  of militarism which separates armed
people's struggle from its  political context.

Perhaps in today's realities the dangers of the obsolete doctrines  of 1950s and 1960s regarding the creation
of armed resistance areas  (foci) as the generator of mass resistance should be analyzed  properly. One of the
vital problems connected with this bears on the  important question of the relationship between the political
and  military. There should be no ambiguity concerning this. The primacy  of the political leadership should be
unchallenged and supreme and  all militant units should be subordinate to political leadership.  This approach
is borne out by the experience of the overwhelming  majority of national liberation movements which have
engaged in such  struggle. With the historical background and traditions of Baloch  resistance in Pakistan and
Iran, within the memory of many people  and the special developments of the immediate past, the involvement  
of the masses is unlikely to be the result of a sudden natural and  automatic consequence of military clashes.
It has to be won in all-round political mobilization accompanied with armed activities. This  includes extensive
counter propaganda and agitation throughout  Baloch land and internationally to cope with the sophisticated  
torrent of misleading propaganda and disinformation of the enemy  which will become more intense as the
struggle sharpens. The masses  have to be activated in a multitude of ways not only to ensure a  growing
stream of recruits for the fighting units but to harass the  enemy politically so that his forces are dispersed and
therefore  weakened. This calls for the exercise of all-round political  leadership.

The national liberation struggle is neither static nor does it take  place in a vacuum. To believe that the course
of struggle is  determined solely by the fighting units involves the fallacious  assumption that the masses are
rock like and incorruptible and they  will join the struggle automatically. The adversary is aware that  the side
wins the allegiance of the people, wins the struggle. In  fact history proves that without the most intensive all-
round  political activity this is the more likely that the result may not  be positive. It is therefore all the more vital
that the leadership  of the national liberation movement is nation-wide and has its roots  both inside and
outside the actual areas of combat. The confidence  in final victory rests not on the wish or the dream but on
the  understanding of the prevailing conditions and the historical  processes. This understanding must be
deepened and must spread to  every level of our society.  The Quest for a Baloch National Front  Politics of any
kind is successful but only when backed by firm  resoluteness, clear ideology and robust leadership. In the
course of  active defence who will lead the Baloch masses through this  struggle? It is the most decisive
issue.  Policy could be realistic  when it is based on the actual conditions of the people concerned  and their
enemy, and the world in general. It is, therefore, not the  matter of one's choice but that necessity that
leadership should  have correct assessment of any situation through close  investigations. The leaders who
are unable to adjust to the new mood  of Baloch masses fell by the wayside. It is imperative that Baloch  
leadership and intelligentsia must recognise this hard fact that  anyone who proposes to serve his people
must not expect people to  roll stones out of his way, but must accept his lot calmly if they  even roll a few more
upon it.

The solidarity of Baloch masses and leadership is necessary in the  given circumstances. Political leadership
must reason and act. In  order to do so intelligently, they need to deal with and reason  about this challenging
situation. The intelligentsia and leadership  will have to shed their scepticism; they will have to abandon  
grumbling and wavering on important national issues. They should be  clear and loud and unambiguous on
the question of our national  identity and our right to rule. They have to reach the people and  speak a language
that the Baloch masses can appreciate and  international community can understand.  How should the
common enemy be confronted? What is the solution, and  who should mount the charge? The historical
responsibility rests on  every patriot to call for a Baloch National Front - involving the  total mobilization of all
nationalist forces. Such a coalition would  attract huge popular support. The cohesion and unity of action  
between the various national and social groupings comprising the  National Front will reach new heights. All
this will constitute not  only moral justifications for a move towards a comprehensive and all  out resistance
movement, but, what is more important, conditions  will be created making a departure in correct direction.

•      The program of this front must be reflective of the genuine  needs and aspirations of Baloch masses.
There should be no wavering  between provincial autonomy and 1940 resolution etc. any more. The  National
Front should be of the conviction that both political and  economic powers are inalienable rights of the people
of Balochistan.  Its mission therefore should be to contribute to the task of total  political and economic
emancipation of Baloch masses.

•       Keeping into account the skepticism of some leaders and  groups regarding the "individuality syndrome"
among Baloch  leadership, the present initiative should not be an attempt to unify  various factions into a single
political party. However, the  partners in the front should be prepared to address the question of  unification and
to promote ongoing debate and discussion on it and  should keep the issue under review. Maintaining their
separateness  as political organizations, the various factions should develop  collaboration politically and
socially in order to bring the people  of Balochistan closer together politically, to promote common  
understanding and ultimate unity.

•       The National Front should be committed to the development of  democracy and freedom and the
maintenance and protection of the  right of the people of Balochistan to self-determination.
•       In the present circumstance the United Front of nationalists  should not strive to win over the support of the
established  collaborators and opportunist leadership, rather it should concern  the unity of the genuine
nationalists themselves.  •       The National Front must not be a marriage of convenience but  should be a
political alliance based on a common, genuine regard for  the achievement of the final aim of Baloch masses.   
•       The National Front should have as its central issue the  struggle against the opportunist ideology, which
justifies  capitulation.  •       It is also imperative to co-ordinate the activity of  nationalist forces on the both side
of Goldsmith Line.

•       The Baloch National Front should firmly believe in the  organised power of the people as the motive force
critical to the  radical transformation of society and in our particular  circumstances in the reconstruction of a
new Baloch polity. It is  only an organised people who can liberate themselves from political  suppression and
economic exploitation. It should be the embryo of a  coalition of nationalists whose task should be to create
conducive  atmosphere under which all people are encouraged to participate in  the struggle for their salvation.  

The ideological creed of the Baloch National Front should be  the creed of Baloch Nationalism. The
Nationalism for which the  national front should stands is the concept of freedom and  prosperity for the Baloch
people in their own land. It should be a  struggle of the Baloch people, inspired by their own suffering and  their
own experience.  

Baloch National Front should be the most consistent advocate of an  inclusive Baloch nationhood rooted in the
Baloch history and  cultural traditions with an outlook of modernity and keeping in to  account the realities and
imperatives of 21st century world polity.  Therefore, not only the substance but the form of structural  creations
must be in a way which the people can see - give  expression to the main emphasis of the present stage of
our  struggle. This national front will definitely withstood the  onslaught of state action and propaganda which
sadly enough very  often is carried out by or through some "Baloch leaders", through  ignorance and fear but
worse through selfishness, assist the  oppressors directly or indirectly and thus tend to sabotage, though  
ineffectively, the efforts of Baloch masses to realize freedom in  their lifetime.

The history of the liberation of people from the domination of  another nation has always been through a terrific
struggle involving  much sacrifice and suffering on the part of the oppressed and that,  therefore, the oppressed
can have no cause to believe that they can  attain freedom otherwise. All over the world and through all ages,  
liberation has come that way. Experiences of past Pakistani actions  and taking into account of mindset of
majority nationality in  Pakistan it is convincing to believe that an armed resistance  movement would offer the
state of Pakistan limitless opportunities  for the indiscriminate slaughter of Baloch people. But many in  Baloch
circles are in the opinion that as Baloch land is already  drenched with the blood of innocent Baloch that it is the
duty of  every Baloch, to make preparations as a long-term undertaking, to  use force in order to defend them
against force. The ideal of  liberation of one's people and land is cherish-able and worth  fighting for and if
needs be it is an ideal for which one should be  prepared to die.

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