Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Press Releases
West Balochistan: An Urgent Appeal to save Dr. Allah Nazar's Life

Balocistan People's Party

: An urgent appeal to save Dr. Allah Nazar's Life

The Baloch Students Organization (BSO) which founded in 1975 is the national student organization within
Eastern Balochistan known as Balochistan of Pakistan.
Balochistan hosts the Pakistan's primary gas and
other mineral resources installations yet the residents there have little access to these resources and
Balochistan is the most deprived province in Pakistan where Baloch people live in a harshest condition
compared to the other area of Pakistan.
The BSO since its foundation has been campaigning for democracy
and defending Balochs human rights.

On March 17th, 2005, in Dera Bugti of Balochistan there was an uprising of people to demand their rights,
where 70 innocent Baloch and Hindu minority including children, and elderly men and women were killed and
more than 200 were injured by the hands of Pakistani military forces. 
On 25th March 2005, BSO organized a
peaceful protest in Karachi against the Pakistani Military Operation where three of active members of BSO; Ali
Nawaz, Akhter Nadeem and Dr. Allah Nazar were picked up along with their four other friends by the Pakistani
intelligent forces and taken to an unknown place and did not let any body know about their where about.
After a
long and tiring, national & international campaign including hanger strikes of their families and friends in front
of High Courts and National assemblies the government of Pakistan disclosed their where about. 
Four of
them who were released in May 2005 reported torture, degrading treatment and detention in isolation for a
The remaining three are still in captivity; the families have reported that Ali Nawaz, Akhter Nadeem and
Dr. Allah Nazar were tortured using electric shocks. Among these three captives, the condition of Dr. Allah
Nazar is said to be especially grave, who is partially paralyzed and unable to speak and recognize anyone as
result of being inhumanely tortured. His family has expressed concern that his injuries may result in complete
paralysis unless he receives immediate medical treatment in hospital. However, the Pakistani authorities
have reportedly denied him access to medical treatment.

Balochistan People's Party condemns these anti-human crimes against Baloch people and requests the
UNPO, United Nations, and other humanitarian organization to investigate these human rights violations by
the state of Pakistan and bring to justice those who are responsible for these state crimes.
Nasser Bolidai
Spokesperson for
Balochistan People's Party.