Press Releases
An urgent appeal to:
Untied Nations General Secretary,
President Bush, President of European
Union Commission, Human Rights Watch
and Amnesty International

The Iranian authorities soon after the shamble presidential election carried out a heinous act upon poor and deprived people of
Balochistan. They destroyed several huts and homes of very needy people on Thursday, 30th June 2005 in the port city of Chabar in
Balochistan. The Baloch victims resisted the destruction of their huts and homes as the atrocious act made innocent women,
children, elderly and their families totally homeless in the soaring heat of 44°C. They found themselves with no roof over their heads.

Ms Mahganj Bahok a devastated woman with a shivering cry told the regime’s official reporter of IRNA, now that her only hut is
destroyed and flattened by authorities she and her children have lost everything and have absolutely nowhere to go and seek
shelter. Mr Durmohammad Baha an unskilled worker who had a primitive life complained bitterly and told IRNA reporter that the
regime did not show any consideration to their plight and destroyed their roofs on them.

In the resistance over the destruction of huts several people were seriously injured as the security forces disproportionately used
force. There are also reports that many are detained and being interrogated for their just resistance. The fate of these detainees is
kept secret by the regime.

The regime carried out the destruction on a strategic plan of ethnic cleansing. It is an open secret that the regime aims to
marginalise Baloch from urban areas such as Chabar and allocate most of the valuable lands to non-Baloch people. To pursue this
dreadful policy the regime provides substantial preferential treatments and financial incentives to people from outside Balochistan,
while rightful Baloch are kept deprived of any access to basic amenities such as water let alone clean drinking water, education,
health, job opportunities, economical resources of the region, housing; and any proper and meaningful representation in state
affairs. The IRNA reported that the area concerned is designated especially for the security forces according to the plan by the
department of Housing & Urban Development.

As it is a duty of a state to make provisions for safety and security of its citizen, the Iranian regime is in flagrant violation and breach of
its obligations in Balochistan as outlined above. Clearly it amounts to discrimination against Baloch people and ethnic cleansing of
Baloch from their rightful land, Balochistan.

Balochistan National Movement-Iran urgently seeks your utmost attention to the deteriorating situation of hundreds of homeless
Baloch in Chabar as their sufferings are acute, actual and above all excruciating. In Iran there is no venue and state mechanism for
these Baloch victims to seek justice. Unless there is a concerted and sufficient pressure from international community, the regime
not only neglect these victims but will see this destruction as a measuring scenario to test the degree of resistance of Baloch to the
wider policy of marginalisation and ethnic cleansing.

To assist these victims the BNM proposes setup of an exploratory team from the international community led by the UN charged with
a fact-finding task. In addition clarification on the situation can be sought by you; and the authorities are urged to release innocent
detainees immediately and unconditionally, to halt further destruction and to allow victims back to their lands and compensate for
losses they incurred.

Your help and prompt actions are vital to hundreds of Baloch children, women and needy peoples who suffered from regimes desire
to displace and deny them their huts, so please help now.


Balochistan National Movement-Iran
(Balochistan Raji Zrombesh)

July 3rd 2005
    Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Declaration of Human Rights