Press Releases
Appeal to Human Rights Watch, international press and international Human
Rights commission and all peace loving individuals around the globe

Subject:  Please Help To Stop The Massacre in Balochistan

Balochistan is the richest part of world because of its natural resources, gas and mineral wealth. Pakistan (Punjab’s)
every city is benefiting form Sui (a place in Balochistan) gas since 1952. Unfortunately the people of Balochistan are still
living in stone ages. People living few yards away form Sui are using fire wood to make a fire for their survivor in this cold

Kidnapping and torturing of Baloch youths have been routine of Pakistani army and security forces. Hundreds of innocent
Baloch youth have been abducted by Army and F.C (frontier cops) from different areas of Balochistan and their fate or
whereabouts are still unknown. They are not allowed seeing any lawyer or meet any family member.

Balochistan have been kept backward by Pakistani Army and federal decision maker of Islamabad. Pakistani rulers have
carried out four grand army operations to capture the resources of Balochistan in 1950s and 1970s.

Fifth carpet bombing against Baloch Nation had started this year 17th March 2005 in which gunship helicopters, fighter
jets and other army plans were used. All together 70 women and children were killed in this inhuman operation against
humanity and more then 30 innocent Baloch and unarmed civilians were injured in that Operation.

The recent full scale Army operation which has started on Sunday the 17th of December 20, 2005 have claimed hundreds
of innocent live of all ages..   1000s of innocent Baloch women and children have been injured and their houses have
been demolished by cruel Pakistani Army and FC (frontier cops). Pakistani army and other forces are using fighter jets
and military plans to crush the Baloch villages.  It’s probably first time in Pakistan’s history that it has used fighter jets
against innocent civilian. It would not be wrong if we call Mr. Musharaff the second Hitler of the world.

Director General Inter Services Public Relations Maj Gen Shaukat Sultan has said that helicopters are being used in
operation against Baloch fighters in Kohlu whereas para military troops carried out the operation through land.  When
BRM contacted local people of the area they confirm the use of fighter jets, gunship helicopters and other military plans.

Baloch Nation’s fault is only that they have been demanding self-control over their natural resources which a basic right of
every nation, they should have control over their national territory and resources.

This government does not have any concrete base, "The notorious Pakistani ISI and Army have created ghosts like
Osama Bin Laden and other so called Jihadi organizations to terrify the West and secure support for their military
dictatorships.  The operation in Balochistan is another ploy to appease the capitalist class of Punjab to muster support in
order to prolong his [president Musharraf's] tenure in power.

We the Baloch have been writing to Human rights organizations from the last one year to stop army of the terrorist state
which is committing international crime against Baloch. It seems to us that Human rights watch have closed their eyes.

The recent wave of Military operation which has started 15 days back in different parts of Balochistan like: Noshki, Qalat
and chagai and now spreaded to Kohlu, Kahan, Janat talli, Mawand and dera Bugti, it  proves that Pakistani military want
to complete control of Balochistan’s natural wealth.  The operation against Baloch nation has entered to the fourth day of
army but the Pakistani state run media have been hiding it.

That’s why we appeal to international media; international Human rights watch and United Nations Organizations to urge
Pakistani Army to stop massacre of Innocent Baloch civilians.

We also appeal the international community, media, United Nations and international Human Rights organizations to
send their fact finding teams to the area and witness the carpet bombing against Baloch Nation.

We demand:

1:  Military operation must be halted immediately in order to prevent further civilian casualties.

2:  The wounded civilian must be allowed to seek medical aids.

3:   An independent along with international fact finding body must be sanctioned to find out the truth of ruthless military

4:  The media should be allowed to visit the area and present a free, impartial, objective and responsible report on current
army carpet bombing in Balochistan.

5:  All political prisoners and others who have been abducted in recent days by the ISI and other secret agencies of
Pakistan must be released urgently

6:  The responsible persons must be brought in justice.

Balochistan Rights Movement
On Behalf of Baloch Nation
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    Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA)
                Baloch Society Of North America (BSO_NA) is Non-Profit Organization, working to unite and Organize all Baloch in North
           America, to expose the Occupation and  Oppressive policies of Pakistani and Iranian Governments  against Baloch
                      people and our Baloch land (Balochistan), and to bring their Human Rights Violations in Balochistan into the world’s Notice.
Declaration of Human Rights
Contact BSO-NA
Dr. Hayee Baloch's
BNM's President
Ghulam M. Baloch's
Press conference
Agha Shaid Bugti
Interview (urdu)
Akbar Mengal
Interview (urdu)
Baloch illegal
Attaullah Mengal's  
Speech by: Balach
Habib Jalib Baloch
General Secretary of
Baloch Women
Dr. Imdad's press
NAK Bugti repeats the
call for Baloch unity.